Feminine hygiene units in Slough, Maidenhead, London and the rest of the home counties.

Specialists in sanitary waste disposal
Our stylish and highly functional feminine hygiene units are pedal operated and are provided with an Antimicrobial liner bag incorporating Biomaster® antimicrobial technology into the liner itself.
Biomaster® technology provides round the clock protection against bacterial build up from harmful species such as MRSA, E. Coli and Legionella giving safe, effective and permanent antimicrobial protection. It actively reduces the growth of bacteria on contact both inside and outside of the liner by up to 99.99% for its lifetime, whilst practically eliminating nasty smells and providing a pleasant fragrance.
The large surface area of the liner means there is a huge capability against bacteria with which it comes into contact. Our service visits are agreed based on your usage needs.
Feminine Hygiene
Never an exciting subject but when discussing your washroom requirements Feminine hygiene and its disposal is a critical one.
In the UK it is a legal requirement to provide a means of sanitary disposal within your female washrooms. We can help by providing a range of feminine hygiene services to suit all washroom requirements and very importantly ,helping to ensure that you comply with legislation.

Attractive slimline design
Available in white, designer or chrome
15ltr and 23ltr capacity available
Available in pedal or sensor operated versions
Complete liner exchange service